19 July 2023 • 10.30am CET

Your EXTERNAL ATTACK SURFACE poses one of the highest risks and is now the easiest to understand with Tenable Attack Surface Management.

Your attack surface is growing and evolving, exposing your organization to an expanding array of threats. For your security team, the volume and disparate nature of data associated with these threats can be overwhelming. This limits your team’s ability to analyze, correlate, prioritize, and take corrective actions to protect the business.

By attending this webinar you’ll learn how the attack path analysis capabilities built into the Tenable One exposure management platform let your team proactively disrupt common attack paths long before attackers seek them out. Topics covered will include:

  • Why External Attack Service Management (ASM)?
  • Use Case Examples
  • How does it work?
  • Tenable Attack Surface Management Editions
  • Demo

Who should attend?
Cybersecurity and IT professionals responsible for increasing the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of their organization’s overall cyber defenses.

Save your spot.
If you can't make a live session, register anyway and we'll email you a link to the replay.


Jerry Zwanenburg
Manager, Security Engineering at Tenable

Jamal Morris
Security Engineer at Tenable